Why Do Driving Schools Suggest Trainees Take Manual Lessons?

Every reputed driving school offers two types of driving lessons – manual and automatic. Reputed automobile manufacturers are rolling out cars with automatic driving lessons. In fact, most of the cars that ply on Australian roads come with automatic transmissions. From that point of view, opting for automatic driving lessons seems more feasible from the trainees’ point of view. However, every reputed driving school in and around Melbourne, would suggest its trainees opting for manual driving lessons. What is the reason behind it? Let us see.

Driving School

Manual driving lessons help get rid of old, dangerous habits

When you opt for manual driving lessons, you need to fiddle with the gear stick, the clutch and the brake plate all the way, keeping an eye on the way ahead, the rear view mirrors, and the pedestrians. Thus you see, you need to do multitasking where the margin of error is NIL! Thus, when the trainees take manual driving lessons, they grow the habit of multitasking and get rid of the certain bad habits, which are dangerous for the drivers and around the vehicles as well.

Manual driving is more frequent and common overseas

If you are driving in Australia, it is likely for the people to come across vehicles that have automatic transmission. However, when it comes to driving abroad, there is no guarantee that the trainees will come across cars with automatic transmission everywhere. In fact, it is likely that cars abroad will have manual transmission in many countries. Thus, when someone gets training in automatic transmission, it only increases the chance of bagging an overseas driving license, when a trainee moves abroad. Thus, taking manual lessons in a Driving School in Coolaroo always counts.

Manual Driving Lessons increases confidence in trainees

When the trainees take driving lessons on cars having manual driving lessons it gives a boost to the confidence of the trainees. The reason being, in manual driving lessons, the trainees have to do a lot of multitasking. They have to take every step manually, to ensure a seamless and safe drive. They have to multitask, like changing the gear, fiddling with the gear stick, the brake pedal, the accelerator, the clutch, the indicator…….the list goes on. Hence, by the time the trainees appear for the driving test, they are fully prepared with the technical skills needed for driving and hence, are full of confidence. Thus, when trainees take comprehensive manual driving lessons in Coolaroo or elsewhere, it boosts their confidence immensely. It not only helps them crack the driving test, it also helps them be a confident and complete bloke at the wheels

Manual Driving Lessons are cheaper

Manual driving lessons are as comprehensive as their automatic counterparts and in some cases they are more intense than the automatic driving lessons. However, despite that, they generally come at a much cheaper rate than the automatic driving lessons. Thus, if you are looking forward to enrolling in a cheap driving school in Coolaroo and still have an excellent mastery of the driving skills, opting for manual driving lessons is the best option.

What better school can you enroll in than Auspak Driving School, if you are in and around Melbourne? Call us at 0403 493 051 for an appointment.

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  • Licenced Instructors
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  • Very Competitive Rates
  • Keys2drive Accredited Instructors
  • One to One Training
  • Patient Instructors